Key to Success

I recently read an article on entitled “Sweating Out the Job Search.” It discusses the benefits of exercising and physical fitness during the job hunting process. After getting the boot from jobs, people begin to experience the blues: “a lot of depression, a lot of rejection” that forces them into a slump (“Sweating out the Job Search”). They begin pig out on unhealthy, cheap foods, and just lay back and wait. This slump can result into a spiraling downfall to the point where a person’s physical shape affects their mood which affects their ability to get a new job. For this reason, New York Sports Club and the recruitment firm, Forest Solutions, has teamed up to create a program that offers career advice and physical fitness. According to Stefano Tromba from Forest Solutions, the class “‘elevates your mindset. I think it energizes your body. It gets you, the confidence gets built up. It reduces your stress. And it also helps you when you go out on interviews’” (“Sweating out the Job Search”). The course claims that by reintroducing people to an exercise routine, they will develop a positive mindset that will help people on the job search.

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